UCD Marian Basketball Club is a not for profit organisation run entirely on a voluntary basis by its members. Management of the Club is invested in the Executive Committee.
Members of the Executive Committee are elected at the A.G.M. of the Club. Additional members can be co-opted by the Committee as needs are identified and when this is deemed beneficial by the Committee.

The Executive Committee has overall responsibility for the affairs of the Club.

The Executive provides operational direction and approves policies and procedures consistent with the ethos and the goals of the Club.
In particular, the Executive is responsible for protecting the financial position and the future viability of the Club.
Sub-committees comprising members of the Executive may be established as required.

Executive Committee 2020/21
Chairperson: Michael Brosnan
Secretary: Tina Wilson
Treasurer: Fran Ryan
Registrar: Michael Gilleran
Safeguarding: Vincent Diffley
Legal & Regulatory: Antoine MacDonnacha
Coaches Liaison: Jon Gleich