Attention Everyone!
We are back!
After one of the clubs most successful seasons winning a total 12 trophies we are very excited to see what this season has in store. This year we are looking to grow in our abilities on and off the court, building on the seasons before and hitting new highs as a club and a basketball community. This year trials will be held in Oatlands College, Marian College and UCD Sports Centre. We are looking forward to seeing you all again for another fun season together. Here in our first announcement are the dates for our underage tryouts, please note these are the beginning dates for tryouts and your coach will have more details at the sessions. For any questions in the mean time feel free to Dm us or email
Our dates for Academy will be posted very soon, any Mens teams posted tomorrow!!
Age group = birth year
U11 = 2012 – non competitive
U12 = 2011
U13 = 2010
U14 = 2009
U15 = 2008
U16 = 2007
U17 = 2006
U18 = 2005